Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Confidence:Valuing others and valuing me!

                   Hi Friends I am so excited to bring to you today the first character quality post of the series! I hope you enjoy it and have a blessed and beautiful day!!
                                                    Photo courtesy of jarridwilson.com/‎
                    If we are being completely honest,  I’m sure most of us can say that at one point or another in our lives; we have struggled to feel confident, sure of ourselves, and valuable. Despite the fact that we all desire confidence; sometimes we allow insecurity or false sources of confidence to steal our identities. Today we are going to dig deep in to the Character of Christ and challenge our hearts to see ourselves in a new way... The way He sees us! We are going to look at what God says about confidence and study the confidence of Jesus Christ; so we can view ourselves in the light of our true identities in him!
                     Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, lived as a person of tremendous confidence while he walked this earth.  Jesus lived a fearless, assured, and confident life!  Jesus Christ, the son of God, made it clear that His confidence was from the father!
                  Jesus looks at everything from a heavenly perspective and we can too! God is the one true source of confidence; an unshakable foundation, on which to build our lives!! There are so many incorrect sources out there that give false promises in regards to confidence, value, and Identity. Outward appearance, popularity, power, material possessions, relationships all pull at our hearts to bank on them for our self worth, but all these sources are counted on in vain. The only place you can be filled and find true value and confidence is in God! God alone is the source and creator of true and lasting confidence!!  Jesus’ love for us and death on the cross has covered us in grace, and allows us to have full unrestrained relationship with him!! His blood is what gives us undeniable irrefutable value!
                                                   Look at this amazing verse!

Matthew 10:29-31 “Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows.”

               Wow! It is amazing to think that the God of the universe, creator of it all, loved you and me so much that he knows the amount of hairs on our heads! He loves us so much he was willing to send his son to die just so we could have relationship with him!  Isn't that AMAZING take a moment to think about what that means in your life. You are so cherished by him that he was willing to die for you! Really grab a hold of that truth! That truth is what will translate to confidence in our lives! When we place our trust in God and accept the truth about who he says we are; that is what will give us unshakable confidence. We can fully know that we are wanted, valuable, interesting, talented, smart, fun beautiful people with so much to offer the world! Why? Simply because he says we are!  We are gems in his eyes! You are a one of a kind master piece hand crafted by the king!!
                 Let us choose to accept the truth about who God says we are, and allow that to transform our hearts; banishing our insecurities and allowing the true person God made us to be truly shine. God says you are beautiful  and so you can believe that to be 100% true. Now live it girl! God loves you and values you so much; and it's time to see yourself through the eyes if his love! Choose today to love and respect yourself!! You are a daughter of the king and that means you are a princess!! We are the adopted children of God; through Jesus death on the cross and that makes us all perfect, beautiful and highly valuable in Gods sight! When he looks at us; he sees Jesus blood, and the transformed you, that is as white as snow!! Please allow the truth of God’s love and who he says you are to penetrate your heart!
                Please be encouraged that you can start a journey toward confidence no matter where you are now. The first step is just to place your confidence in God alone!  As an encouragement I want to share a funny story that came to mind while thinking about the topic of confidence.  Once I got a hair cut that was a little too short for my liking and it totally shook up my confidence. I didn't feel confident or feminine; I literally cried about it. (it was a sight to see; ask any of my friends LOL)  Looking back now I can laugh; thinking about how at that time in my life, my confidence was wrapped up in something so inconstant as having good hair.
                 Image staking your identity, your self esteem, and all you are on something so fleeting. Don’t get me wrong there are always going to be things that shake us up the occasional bad hair day, times when someone says something mean,  when someone gets picked over you, when you get passed up for the job, when you get stood up.  Don’t beat yourself up over little dips in your confidence. When you place your full confidence in God that doesn't mean you won’t experience tough situation that can bring out insecurities but what it does mean is that you will be able to brush them off more easily.  He is sure, trustworthy, and lasting, he is the one and ONLY unchanging source of true confidence!  In him your identity is secure despite what comes your way!!!  
                Start to transform the way you view yourself today! Choose to accept your true identify in Christ! Live a confident fearless and bold life!! You are valuable because he says you are! Any time you feel the clutches of insecurity trying to swipe your confidence away, let this sweet thought sing to your soul. You are worthy, you are enough, you are highly valued, you are precious in his eyes, you do belong and you have so much to offer the world! The God of all the earth has placed high value on you; own it!!
                He loves us so much and when we grab a hold of that it’s hard not to want to share! It is such a joy to soak in the reality that we can place our confidence in the Lord and he will never fail us! He has placed value on our souls and we can trust him to be with us always!  Our identity in him is sure, he will never leave us; he loves us now and will love us forever! He loves us right where we are and will help us become our best!
             So why not share that blessed truth with a friend or loved one who might be struggling with self esteem, confidence, and feelings of belonging. Once you catch the fire of Gods life changing confidence, pass it on!! Truly beautiful individuals like our amazing Lord Jesus Christ seek to build up others and not just themselves. When we are sure of ourselves and confident we can show our friends the source of true confidence too. Point others to Christ so that they too can see themselves as God sees them!! When you are confident in God you don't have a need to compete with others  because your security and self worth are placed in The Lord and not things of this world! It is such a joy to build others up! Take the time to make others feel good about them-selves and point them to Christ; so they too can become filled with the confidence that can only come from our God!!

                                 Action steps we can take to become more Confident!!! 

  1)   Rejoice in the truth of who Gods says you are and the value you have in him!

  2) Decidedly choose to put your confidence in God alone! Pull up your stakes, on the things you have placed your trust in, that are of the world!
       3) Reboot through-out the day! Do little check in to see if you are placing your confidence in God or in things of the world and make tweaks when you need to.

     Please join me tomorrow for the 2nd character quality of the series! The servants heart of Christ!!!

     Lastly, The second look of the BH spring trends series is up on brookehoffmanbeauty.blogspot.com 

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